
While in Dubai, please note that if you bought goods at the store for the first price, called by the seller, then most likely he will look at you with a meaningless look, casually throw, not counting, your money at the cash register and will be turned away. You are not interested in him ... Bargaining in the East is both an old tradition and part of an exciting game called the “shopping hunt”. But, like every game, there are rules that must be followed.

In Dubai, you can bargain almost everywhere. The only and unconditional exception is supermarkets, where prices are indicated in bar codes and entered into the memory of cash registers.

Trading on the market allows at least a threefold reduction in the initial price.

Trading in the markets may be somewhat more emotional, but what you can never do anywhere else is to insult the seller ("You, what are you giving us here ?!") or, after reviewing all the goods in the store, "poke his nose" into a defect that does not exist and proudly retire

At the same time, remember that having received the latest price, you will no longer refuse to purchase!

Another note: you can also bargain in shopping centers when paying with plastic cards, but you should have only cash on the market, otherwise all efforts to reduce the price will go down the drain.

Watch the video: . - Big Things Poppin' Do It Official Video (July 2024).