Las Vegas Effect

Interviewed by Natalia Remmer

From April 24 to April 27 in Dubai, at the World Trade Center, the amazing "The Ultimate Variety Show" from Las Vegas was shown. An international team of artists presented acrobatic stunts, circus performances, theatrical parodies of show business stars and gave a lot of fun and joy, by the way, pupils of Dubai schools who accepted the performance on “Hurray!” Became the first witnesses of the legendary production.

One of the most outstanding artists of the troupe, which the Dubai Duvent promoter company brought to the United Arab Emirates, is our compatriots. Acrobats Nikolai Melnikov and Yuri Safronov - immigrants from Russia, gymnast Tamara Erofeeva - from Kiev. All of them have been living and working in the USA for many years. Behind the scenes of the show in a blitz interview to the Russian Emirates is about a career in Nevada, a real Russian quenching and thoughts about the motherland.

Please tell us how you got into the troupe?

Nikolai: I came to Las Vega ^ and Moscow. After the army he studied at the circus school. He worked in the famous Canadian circus Cirque du Soleil.

Yuri: I am from Voronezh. He worked on the EFX show at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.

Tamara: I'm a rhythmic gymnast, from Kiev. Represented Ukraine at the European and World Championships. Worked as a dancer at Cirque du Soleil. Since 2007 - in this show.

Are you involved in any other productions?

Nikolai: Sometimes we also do The Vegas shows.

I noticed that almost all international troupes today have Russian artists. What is the reason for this, in your opinion?

Yuri: Yes, I would say - in 99% of cases. We have excellent sports training.

Nikolai: We have a good word "Soviet school". Foreigners do not understand it in the meaning in which we use it. For them, it's just an educational institution. The "school" distinguishes us. Hence the stamina.

Tamara: I agree. Indeed, in Russia and Ukraine the most powerful school of acrobatics and gymnastics.

That is, it’s easier for you to work than other artists, thanks to Russian hardening?

Tamara: In sports, it was much harder for me than in show business. There we simply died. But here, too, are quite high requirements. For example, you always need to look great. In addition, in this production there are no visual effects, everything is built on the talent of the artist, and everything depends on him.

Yuri: Indeed, in sports you work for the result. There is less effort, but also performances every day, which is also quite tiring.

Where is the best viewer accepts in which countries?

Yuri: We travel around the world and accept everywhere in different ways. In America, for example, not bad. And if we talk about the exactingness of the viewer, then in the first place, of course, is Russia.

Have you finally settled in the United States or are you planning to return to your homeland?

Nikolai: Our children have already grown up abroad. Although inside, we are certainly all Soviet. We go home once a year to visit parents. What will happen next - time will tell!

Thanks so much for the conversation. Successful to you performances!

Watch the video: The Raider Effect. Las Vegas Real Estate. #AaronPowersShow (July 2024).