Under the sign of weights

Text: Igor Shevkun


Macrobiotic diet

The diet was invented in 1920 by the Japanese philosopher George Osawa and imbued with the ideas of the Chinese teachings of Taoism. The combat plan is as follows - about 40-60% of your menu should be devoted to organically grown cereals (brown rice, millet, rye, buckwheat, wheat), 20-30% - to steamed vegetables, fried and raw (green cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, pumpkin, turnips, carrots; exclude from the daily diet: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, spinach and zucchini). And finally, bean and seaweed in the amount of 5-10% (azuki beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, seaweed, red seaweed and agar-agar) should be introduced into the diet.

Remember: the success of the diet, which Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow themselves sing the praises, will contribute to drinking a maximum of 800 ml of water per day, eating only when you are really hungry and thoroughly chewing it (at least 50 times). Macrobiotics is a good way to make your diet healthier and adjust yourself to the appropriate time of the year thanks to seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Berry diet

In just 9 days of a delicious diet of red berries, in addition to losing weight, you can strengthen your immune system and joints, because berries are valuable sources of antioxidants that protect against premature aging, cancer, type 2 diabetes and avoid many heart diseases. In addition, the diet has a tonic effect due to the rich content in berries of natural sugar (glucose, fructose), vitamins and nutrients. Raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cherries, gooseberries, blackberries, currants, lingonberries, cranberries ... The choice is stunning! No disturbing thoughts, increased tearfulness and painful attempts not to eat another berry. The only catch is that you must strictly adhere to the requirements. Recommendations for the first two days: fruits, berries and vegetables, the next 2 days - only fruits and berries. And the remaining five days of the diet - this is the main phase - you can only eat red berries.

Super food

Recently, nutritionists have seized with great enthusiasm the opportunity to test the effectiveness of the dietary miracle - superfoods (fashion was brought to them by Katy Perry and Victoria Beckham), plant products that have been around for thousands of years and boast a high concentration of nutrients and vitamins at low calorie content. Champions among them were declared goji berries, which owe their longevity to Tibetan monks, quinoa, noni juice, acai, chia seeds (they were highly valued by the Maya, Inca and Aztecs) and plants from South America, which became another plus in the piggy bank of the fashion trend .

Nutritionists were interested in the question: is superfood really a panacea for all diseases or regular marketing tricks? It turns out, according to the Association of British Dietitians, 61% of people surveyed called exotic roots, berries and algae the "marketing ploy." They claimed that these products were bought only because of the attractive “superfood” sticker on the package and they should be taken only as additional means that increase the effect of diet and physical activity. To the deep disappointment of fans of superfoods, it is known that the Aztecs had a life expectancy of only 37 years, they were small in stature and, perhaps, would love to eat pork chops or carrots instead of a bowl of chia seeds, but only those products that could get .

Superfood caused a lot of controversy, and in 2013, at a conference of the Institute of Functional Medicine, experts not without reason issued a verdict: the title "superfood" can be assigned to only 12 products: avocado, spinach, seaweed, pomegranate, blueberries, broccoli (and all cruciferous vegetables) , buffalo meat that feeds on grass, wild salmon native to Alaska, almonds, coconut oil, olive oil and green tea. So now, when the myths are dispelled, you can choose for yourself a diet from the above list.

Detox: juices and smoothies

It would seem that the benefits of freshly squeezed juices, natural cocktails and smoothies have long been known: they are great for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, give a boost of energy and, most importantly, help to lose weight. The godfather, the founder of the diet, is considered to be an Australian businessman, director Joe Cross, who shot the documentary film "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead." The director himself once weighed 150 kg, but once he stopped treating himself and his body as ownerless property. He threw a mountain of pills that he took for 8 years, and drove around America for 60 days by car, eating only freshly squeezed juices that he squeezed himself, and inspiring other people, including the painfully obese truck driver Phil Steples, with his positive example.

Do not spare the time to prepare freshly squeezed juices and smoothies that Salma Hayek, Karolina Kurkova, Gisele Bundchen and Tina Turner adore - the weight is guaranteed to be reduced by 2-5 kilograms per week.

Diet 5: 2

The fast and effective 5: 2 diet was invented by British journalist and physician Michael Mosley, who, in his book “Fast Diet” and programs on BBC Two, promises girls to lose five and a half kilograms in 6 weeks and not spend a huge amount of nerve cells on the fight with cellulite. Christy Turlington and Beyonce, who do not like to play sports all the time, were convinced of the benefits of this diet.

The essence of the diet is as follows: five days a week are allowed to eat almost anything, but in reasonable quantities, at the rate of 2000-2500 kilocalories per day, but for two days (not in a row, but, for example, on Monday and Thursday) days: women are allowed to consume 500 kcal per day, men - 600 kcal. According to Mosley, scientists came to the conclusion that two fasting days a week improve blood pressure, lower cholesterol and insulin. At the risk of being accused of an unscientific approach, we declare: “hungry” days are easier to carry out, without weakness and disturbing thoughts, because you only have to wait one day, and the next day you can enjoy baked chicken breasts and fried potatoes again. For the best "weight loss" effect on fasting days it is preferable to eat: oatmeal on water, vegetable soup, beets, low-fat Greek yogurt 0%, half grapefruit, unripe medium-sized banana. Accompanying joys - hardening of iron willpower and an occasion to find financial well-being in addition to a chiseled figure.

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