Publisher Word

So one more year is coming to an end - there are only a few days left until 2016, and when this magazine falls into your hands, most likely, the fireworks will go off, salads carefully cut into the feast and more and more fallen needles will end every morning You will find under the lovingly decorated Christmas trees.

The outgoing (departed) 2015 year turned out to be difficult for many of us, but, I hope, not as bad as it seemed initially. Life goes on and, judging by the rich poster and the busy business schedule for the first months of the new year, everyone is already tired of adapting to the crisis and are entering the game with renewed vigor. As they say (necessarily in the voice of teacher Yoda) - "May the force be with us!"

By the way, have you already managed to go to the Seventh episode of the cult space cinema saga "Star Wars"? It seemed to me alone that the crisis showed itself here too - where is the galactic sweep, I ask you? Where are the events of epoch-making scale? Why has the universe shrunk to the size of a space junk dump? How so? After all, the light forces won the last time, so why are they again in exile, again oppressed and almost defenseless?

However, let's not talk about sad things - a new episode broke the record both on the first night of rental in the USA and Canada, collecting $ 43 million and thus overtaking Harry Potter with his “deathly hallows”, and 238 million in fees for the first weekend dollars, which is 30 more than the Jurassic World. And this means that people are really tired of blubbering, and with their labor ruble they have proved that there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks, life is starting to get better and it's time to shake off the dust from family jewels and certainly “walk” them at the very first cultural event. Here's to you as a hint - on January 11, we will have a fantastic Grand Gala concert with soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Alexei Tatarintsev and Anna Aglatova, the Northern Symphonytta orchestra from St. Petersburg, and the phenomenal violinist Vadim Repin. On January 14, the evening of the French opera will be held at the One & Only Dubai hotel, and on February 12 in the hall of the World Trade Center we will see inimitable and, it seems, the eternal Charles Aznavour!

Well, in the meantime, we at the editorial office are making plans for the future. New photoshoots, new interviews with world stars and, of course, work on new projects are already planned for January and February. As always, we are preparing new surprises. In particular, restarting the "Calendar of Events" on our official website is not far off, and in 2016 we are going to present to the public an updated and completely unexpected version of our other project - a guide to the UAE "Keys of the East", with whose release, incidentally, in the distant 2003, the history of the Russian Emirates Publishing House began.

So - stay tuned for announcements! Our hashtag is #RussianEmirates. Happy New Year to all! Happiness, health, love and new achievements!

Sincerely yours, Sergey Tokarev

Watch the video: The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Publisher - 2018 Tutorial (July 2024).