Going on a trip? Do not forget about vaccination!

The Ministry of Health and Prevention of the UAE has issued a warning for those who leave for the summer holidays.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention of the UAE reminds all residents leaving for summer vacations of the need for timely vaccination. The necessary vaccinations must be done at least PER MONTH until departure.

The ministry notes that residents are often frivolous about vaccination, but the lack of prevention can cost them life and health. Among others, it is very important to get vaccinations against malaria and pneumococcal infection.

In Dubai there are two centers for travelers - in the areas of Nad Al Hammar and Al Barsha. Doctors in them will not only give you the necessary vaccinations, but also give medical advice on safe trips to certain countries.

Vaccinations from country to country are different, and a second dose is often required, so a month for trips is the minimum time for a visit to the clinic. For a number of countries, such as Latin America and Central Africa, vaccinations against a number of diseases, such as yellow fever and meningococcal infection, are MANDATORY! If you do not have a certificate, you can’t even cross the borders of these countries!

When traveling, you need to have a clear idea of ​​which foods to avoid, especially in regions where diseases transmitted through food or water are common. Doctors also recommend that everyone purchase travel insurance.

You can call the clinic by phone: 04-5023701 (branch in the area Nad Al Hammar) and 04-5023301 (branch in the area Al Barsha).

Watch the video: Dont forget young adults need vaccines too! (July 2024).