A citizen of Kazakhstan, left without housing and work in the UAE, asked for help

A citizen of Kazakhstan, who was left without housing and work in the UAE, turned to the media for help.

Dubai, UAE. The national newspaper Gulf News published the story of a Kazakh citizen Naili Huseynova and her 10-year-old daughter Narmina asking for help. After 22 years of living in the UAE, a woman lost her job and housing and actually remained on the street.

Two years ago, she lost her job in real estate, and later all her savings when she tried to open her own business. As a result, in October 2018, the family with the child was evicted from the apartment, which she was not able to pay.

"I feel helpless. I don’t know where to go and whom to ask for help. I turned to many charities, but no one helped. I only ask for a roof over my head until I find work," Naila said in interview to the publication.

She noted that the hanging debts on rental housing and to banks, which amount to about 180 thousand dirhams, prevent her from getting a job even at a low wage. For the same reason, she cannot leave the country or send her daughter home. A citizen of Kazakhstan said that she has been divorced from her husband since 2008 and does not receive child support from him.

The Russian Emirates’s Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Dubai and the Northern Emirates specified that this citizen did not turn to diplomats for help, but stressed that if they apply, they are ready to provide their compatriot with all possible help and assistance.

Watch the video: Aga Khan IV. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).