Dubai ruler names 8 principles of state governance

The UAE Prime Minister drafted a charter with rules to strengthen state growth and tolerance.

Dubai, UAE. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, has published 8 principles of governance to enhance state growth and tolerance in society.

It is worth recalling that Sheikh Mohammed recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of his service to the Fatherland, and January 4 - the 12th anniversary of the assumption of office of the ruler of Dubai. In connection with these dates, the UAE Prime Minister published a roadmap for the future success of the nation, consisting of 8 points:

  • Union is the foundation of a nation. Dubai is an integral part of the UAE and one of the pillars of the federation, and the fate of the emirate is closely intertwined with the fate of the United Arab Emirates. The interests of the union are above the interests of Dubai, which operates in the legal field of the UAE.
  • All are equal before the law. Justice is the foundation of a strong nation and a guarantee of its stability and prosperity. Everything is equal before the law, starting with members of ruling families, and no one can be discriminated against by status, position, religious or gender.
  • We are the business capital. The Dubai government is improving the lives of residents by strengthening the economy. Dubai does not invest in politics and does not participate in political life, but, while maintaining political neutrality, extends a hand of friendship to all who are well-disposed to the emirate and the UAE as a whole, focusing on creating new economic opportunities.
  • Three factors are the engines of growth: reliable, stable and highly efficient government; an active, fair and open private sector; state-owned companies, internationally competitive, generating revenue in the treasury of the state, creating jobs for citizens and assets for future generations.
  • Our society has a unique personality: it is polite and united, professing the principles of tolerance and openness. It distances itself from all forms of discrimination and prejudice. We are disciplined, faithful to our promises and covenants. We are modest in our successes, persistent in solving problems, generous and open to all.
  • We believe in economic diversification, the foundation of the unwritten constitution of Dubai since 1833. Our goal is to create a new sector of the economy every three years to increase productivity, increase GDP and create new jobs.
  • Land of Talents: Dubai has always relied on talented merchants, administrators, engineers, creative professionals, and dreamers who have helped it succeed. Dubai will continue to attract talented people and the brightest minds to generate innovative ideas. All infrastructure and business climate in Dubai will be adapted for the best minds in the world.
  • We care about future generations. Regional political processes and global economic cycles should not influence the fate of future generations. We invest and create valuable assets for them. So, the government should own economic assets, the value of which is 20 times higher than the annual budget. Today we care about the well-being of future generations.

Watch the video: UAE Legal System explained. Lex Animata. Hesham Elrafei (July 2024).