Dubai took 4th place in the world in terms of tourist flow

Dubai took 4th place in the world in terms of inbound tourist flow in 2017.

Dubai, UAE. Dubai officially ranked 4th in the ranking of the most visited cities in the world in 2017, the World Tourism and Travel Council said in a statement.

In the ranking, the emirate with a tourist flow of 15.8 million people was ahead of such major megacities of the world as London, Singapore and New York, as well as Tokyo, Paris and Barcelona.

The first place in the ranking was occupied by Hong Kong, which was visited by 27.9 million tourists, the second - Bangkok (22.7 million), and the third - Macau (17.3 million).

It is worth noting that this year Dubai continues to break records: for example, in August Dubai International Airport served a record number of passengers - 8.37 million people. It is expected that at the end of 2018, it will also confirm the status of the busiest air hub in the world.

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