In 2018, not a single apartment theft was committed in Dubai

For the first half of 2018, not a single apartment theft was recorded in Dubai.

This year in Dubai there was not a single home theft. Amazing performance was achieved through the introduction of an intelligent integrated security system.

Lt. Col. Rashid Abdul Rahman bin Zabawi Al Falasi, head of the Dubai Criminal Investigation Department, said the home security program initiated by law enforcement agencies is in high demand from both Emirate citizens and expats.

Dubai police use this system to reduce crime and home theft.

The number of users of this service this year increased by 35%. Moreover, stable growth has been observed for several years: 30% last year, 17 and 15 percent in 2016 and 2014, respectively.

Anyone can join the comprehensive smart program from their smartphone or on the Dubai police website.

The intelligent security system is a security mechanism for protecting citizens' homes during the holidays, regardless of whether they travel outside the country or travel inside it. It is noteworthy that you do not have to pay anything for registration in the system - police patrols will ply the neighborhood of your house absolutely free of charge and, if necessary, detain suspects.

The Dubai Police Investigation Department accepts applications for registration in the system around the clock through the official website of Dubai (, or through service centers at police stations.

Lieutenant Colonel Al Falasi said that authorities expect half of the country's residents to join the program in 2018. It is worth noting that even if you did not have time to register in the system before the holidays, you can do this already from another country by calling the hotline.

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