"Savior of the world" will be exhibited in Abu Dhabi on September 18

"Savior of the world" Leonardo da Vinci will be exhibited in the Louvre Abu Dhabi on September 18 this year.

Dubai, UAE. The work "Savior of the world" by Leonardo da Vinci will be presented to the public at the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi on September 18 this year. Acquired by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) in 2017, this painting is one of less than twenty surviving masterpieces and the latest creation of the Italian master of the High Renaissance.

Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Chairperson of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi, said: "The work of the Savior of the World" is an exhibit that will highlight the main message and mission of the Louvre Abu Dhabi is the idea of ​​openness and acceptance. This acquisition will be our gift to the world, because it’s a masterpiece Leonardo da Vinci has been in a private collection for so long, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. Now visitors to the museum will be able to get acquainted with a rare and iconic work of great cultural worldwide significance. "Savior of the world" represents an important chapter in the history of art "at the same time, it’s the apogee of the author’s artistic power. The painting will play an important role as an exhibit of the museum, representing a turning point in the cultural environment and reflecting the social evolution of that time."

The painting dates from around the end of the XV - beginning of the XVI century, it is made with oil paints on a wooden panel made of walnut. The painting depicts the figure of Christ the Savior facing the beholder, dressed in clothes of azure and scarlet colors. In his left hand he holds a crystal ball, and his right hand is raised as a sign of blessing. The picture belongs to the same period as the famous works "Mona Lisa" and "Beautiful Ferroniera".

Saif Saeed Gobash, Deputy Secretary General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi, commented: “Centuries have passed, and“ Savior of the world ”still bears the seal of mystery that characterizes many of Leonardo’s works. As one of the greatest artists, polymers and thinkers , Leonardo da Vinci was able to influence the many disciplines that are now forming the modern world.He remains an outstanding and significant personality, therefore his work plays an important role in the general narrative of the Louvre Abu Dhabi, in which ene history of mankind presence of this work among the exhibits of the Louvre Abu Dhabi -. it is not only a tribute to the legacy of the influential creative genius da Vinci, but also a way to inspire and engender a new generation of cultural leaders and creative thinkers. "

After the painting will be presented in September at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, it will temporarily go to the Paris Louvre to become part of the exhibition dedicated to the works of Leonardo da Vinci. The exhibition will be held from October 24, 2019 to February 24, 2020. After the exhibition closes, the painting will return back to the Louvre Abu Dhabi to once again delight residents and guests of the UAE capital.

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