Clever and clever

It just so happened that human labor in any field is evaluated by the results achieved. The work of the builder is in the number of square meters put into operation, the engineer in new projects, the artist in the number of painted paintings, the writer in published books, and doctors in cured patients. And how to evaluate the work of a teacher? Perhaps only what his students achieved in life. What have they become? What can they do? What are they striving for?

Dubai Russian private school exists for the thirteenth year. You can talk about the many achievements of the leadership and teachers of this educational institution. The mere fact that it appeared in Dubai on the sheer enthusiasm of those who wanted to teach their children the Russian language and literature, history and geography deserves great respect. But, nevertheless, the "beauty and pride" of the school is its graduates, wise men and smart women, each of whom, whatever one may say, has its own history and its own geography. They once came to the Emirates with their parents from different cities and CIS countries, received basic secondary education at the Russian Private School in Dubai, and went on life, applying in practice the knowledge and skills gained over the years of study. Twelve years is twelve graduations, 144 graduates, each of which the school can be proud of. In addition, those graduates who decided to continue their studies and build their careers in the UAE or Western countries do not consider that the secondary general education they received at a Russian school is some kind of barrier to further studies on a Western pattern or working abroad . In some cases, on the contrary, they consider this an advantage. That's what the guys themselves say about their school ...

Dmitry Korshunov, 1999 graduate

I graduated from the Dubai Russian school almost ten years ago. After that, he graduated from the Dubai Aviation College and a master's degree in aviation management from City University in London. Until 2003, he worked for Aerovista. Currently I work in Air Charter Service, a leading company specializing in charter flights for VIPs, groups, air cargo and other types of services. The company has its own offices in London, Moscow, New York, Hong Kong, Bilbao. I am the director of the Dubai office, whose activities cover the Middle East and North African markets. The knowledge I gained at school allows me to feel free and confident in any environment.

Lada Streltsova, graduate of 2000

School is an adventure, sometimes funny, sometimes scary, but always interesting. The main thing is to start. Go for it! Seize luck, look for meaning in failures, turn them into discoveries. Remember who you are, where you came from and where you are going. I am grateful to the teachers of the Dubai Russian private school for their patience, inspiration and sense of humor! Two words about myself: after school I graduated from Southern New Hampshire University and London Metropolitan University, I live and work in London.

Madina Halikova, 2000 graduate

After graduating from the Dubai Russian School, I entered the American University in Dubai at the Faculty of Business, Finance, Banking. In 2005, after graduation, she worked for six months at Emirates Bank, and in April 2006, she joined Nakheel, one of the largest real estate companies in Dubai, where I continue to work as a sales consultant. I love my job very much. Not so long ago I entered the master's program at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University in the correspondence department.

Daria Udalova, graduate of 2003

After graduating from the Dubai Russian school, I entered the Slovak State Technical University in Bratislava. Now I am studying in the fourth year of the Faculty of Architecture, at the department "Design". I like to participate in various international design and art contests. Some of my works were included in the catalogs of the competitions Red Bull-2007, Mlady OBal-2008. I won first place for Absolut Toys' s online voting in the Absolut Elements contest. I’m participating in the “Fit to Age” project of Skoda. In the future I plan to continue training in the field of industrial design. And thanks to the school, she gave me a lot.

Alisa Muravitskaya, 2005 graduate

At the moment, I am a second-year student of the correspondence department of Cambridge University in the UK, Department of Personnel Management. I studied at the Dubai Russian school for 7 years, and I am proud to be a graduate of it. At school, I met my future husband, Hamid Takesh, a 2001 graduate. Today, Hamid works for a computer and software installation company called AMSI. He graduated from a branch of the American University - Troy University in Sharjah. Our teachers and the school principal, Marina Borisovna Khalikova, do not forget us, although several years have passed since the moment when our “Last Calls” rang. We are very grateful to them for the knowledge given to us, for their care, attention and patience. We remember and love our school.

Alexander Avdeev, 2005 graduate

I would like to thank the entire teaching staff of the Dubai Russian Private School for the efforts and patience shown during my training. After leaving school, I entered the American University of Sharjah at the Faculty of Engineering, where I am now studying. School education served as a good base and facilitated my education, especially in the most difficult first year. The versatility of my knowledge allows me to easily communicate with people employed in any field of activity, whether they are students studying other disciplines or people I have to meet at work.

I also want to note that at school people get not only knowledge, but also friends with whom they are likely to go through their whole lives. At least, I met my best friends in the Dubai Russian school. In addition, taking into account the specifics of the country in which we live, the school is a very important link connecting us with our native culture. Most likely, it was thanks to school that I did not break away from my roots and am proud of who I am. Already today I can say with confidence that studying at the Dubai Russian school helped me acquire knowledge and skills that help me live.

Katerina Zabolotnaya, 2005 graduate

When I first came to the Emirates and went to study at the Dubai Russian private school, I could not imagine that this would become for me a real stepping stone to a new life. Thanks to this school, I was given the opportunity to study at the university for free.

After graduating with honors and passing the entrance exams, I became a student at the American University of Dubai. Over the years of studying at the AUD, I got used to the new grading system for me, I understood what is necessary for a successful session and even learned to combine work and study. Now I am already in my last year, which means that I have successfully completed almost all the stages of the extension of the student scholarship. Time passed very quickly and it seems that yesterday I was sitting at a school desk with girlfriends. Of course, I would like to see and communicate with them more often, especially since the stage of independent and, therefore, even more busy life will come up very soon. I want to wish all my former classmates to be gathered together, resolutely go towards new prospects and achieve the desired results. Special thanks to all my teachers, class teacher Tatyana Stepanovna Kravtsova and school principal Marina Borisovna Halikova.

Julia Maltseva, graduate of 2006

Our graduation was the tenth in the history of the school, and I believe that this number to some extent has brought many of us good luck. To all my classmates in this life I wish to "get into the top ten"! Well, as for me, in the two and a half years that have passed since graduation, extremely interesting things happened to me: today I am a 3rd year student of the best, in my - and not only mine - view, a Russian university - Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. I am confident that the many years I spent in the multinational UAE have contributed to the choice of my future profession and to my current successes in the field of intercultural communication. I must say that it was my school, in my deep conviction, that taught me not only to love the magical cultures of the East and the noble Faustian West, but also to appreciate and admire the language, lifestyle, beliefs and all that make up the cultural world of neighboring countries, where My friends and classmates came to the Emirates - Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and so on. “He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not know anything about his own,” wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. And now, knowing how to freely speak four languages, I more than ever deeply feel the truth of the words of the great German. Thanks to my childhood spent in the Emirates and, therefore, my initial illiteracy in everything related to Russian life, I also managed to look at my Homeland with an open mind - and I, more and more deeply immersed in historical and cultural realities, imbued with the spirit of my people, with great pleasure fell in love with Austrian students in her Russia, with whom she participated in the Tandem educational program this summer. I was extremely pleased to see how the Austrians admire the splendor of old Moscow, Vladimir and Suzdal, how they try to speak Russian and with what excitement they are preparing for each of our joint activities.

I miss all my teachers, but I am especially grateful to the teachers of English and Russian. The level of my English is admired by the teachers at the university - it’s a pity that the same cannot be said about Arabic, but I know for sure that it will become my fifth language.

The skills acquired at school and the knowledge gained at the University allow me to easily, confidently and successfully communicate with representatives of completely different cultures - in my free and working hours. From the first year, my beloved FIAN, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University, gives students the opportunity to try their hand at their specialty. During my studies, I managed to work in the embassies of Italy and Australia in Moscow, at various international exhibitions and conferences, and even sell a couple of songs I wrote in German. And now I hope that the financial crisis on all fronts will not cancel the internship I won at one of the best universities in Germany - an almost fulfilled dream.

Moscow gave me a real rich student life - theater, KVN, Musical salons, poetry translation contests, the faculty newspaper Lingua and a huge number of friends and just around me talented, interesting young people, and also magical university teachers! But I really miss my school friends, and especially my best friend Alina, with whom we see much less than we would like.

Many thanks to the school for the help, support and, of course, for the knowledge I received. It is very pleasant to realize that for many years there have been such benevolent, talented mentors near you ... Dear teachers, the years spent under your care and under your beneficial influence will not be forgotten. Never.

Kirill Novichkov, 2007 graduate

Today I am a student at the Australian University of Wolongong in Dubai. I get a bachelor's degree in finance. Learning does not bother: the school base gave us a good head start, especially in knowledge of mathematics and the English language. Student life is great, but school was no worse. How lucky my sister Alina, who is studying in the 3rd grade of the Dubai Russian private school. It will be graduated from the new school building, which is likely to be larger and more convenient. But we never complained: in cramped conditions, but no offense. Many of my classmates are studying with me now, and we often remember with a smile how the school holidays and ordinary school days went. I have not done anything extraordinary so that the school can truly be proud of its graduate, but I think it is still ahead. I think that even in the future, becoming adults and having solid bank accounts, or even flickering in television programs, we will not be able to forget our roots and always remember that there are things in life an order of magnitude higher.

Anastasia Olkhovskaya, graduate of 2008

I arrived in the UAE from Yekaterinburg, and ended up in the eighth grade in the middle of the school year in the Dubai Russian private school. The guys in my class turned out to be very friendly, and now we constantly maintain good relations, we go to the cinema, to the cafe, to each other's birthdays together. I graduated with honors and am now in my first year at the University of Canada in Dubai to earn a bachelor's degree in marketing. By the way, many of my classmates entered the same university after graduation, so it was very difficult for us to get lost in Dubai. The knowledge base that our school teachers gave us allowed me not only to pass the entrance exams perfectly, but also to continue my studies calmly. And the level of our English language is rated with the highest scores even by strict lecturers from Canada. So, many thanks to our Lyudmila Denisovna, and of course, to all the other teachers and the school principal Marina Borisovna, who gave us so much of their work and patience.

Tatyana Baldina, graduate of 2008

I studied at the Dubai Russian private school from the sixth grade and graduated with honors. After graduation, she entered the American University of Dubai. The high level of English and mathematics obtained at the Russian school, as well as my independent study of English in my free time, helped me to pass the entrance exams perfectly. I chose the American University in Dubai (AUD) a year before graduation. Today it is one of the most prestigious universities in the UAE. It is also very valuable to me that the university provides students with assistance in finding employment after graduation and practice in prestigious companies in the UAE. From the Russian school I got the opportunity to study for the first semester for free on condition of successful admission, and now everything depends only on me. I study at the faculty of business management. And I understand that I was not mistaken with the choice. I am interested in studying this area of ​​activity - study is similar to the real world. I think that the years of study at the Russian school were not in vain, and the education received in the AUD will help me as a manager and make a career in Dubai.

Of course, not all the guys were able to contact us and say a few words about their school years, but their teachers from Dubai told us where some of them are still studying: Ilya Shevchenko (graduated in 2003) - student of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University Kovaltsov Oleg (2004 edition) - student of the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg; Olga Frolova (2004 graduation), student of MGIMO, Moscow. And this list can be continued as long as the Dubai Russian school will work, each year releasing into the “great life” its clever and clever women ...

Watch the video: Clever - Loyalty Official Music Video (June 2024).