Family matters

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

The editors thank the organizers of the tour, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Menshov and People's Artist of Russia Vera Alentova in Dubai for their help in preparing the interview.

In early January 2009, a sensational event occurred in Dubai. For many, it may not have become especially noticeable, but for those who really missed their usual life with theaters and movie premieres "at home", it became a real holiday. Everything is simple. For the first time in Dubai, on the stage of the Community Theater (Dubai Community Theater) in the Mall of the Emirates, a Russian-language performance "Leaning Tower of Pisa" based on a play by Natalya Ptushkina with the participation of famous Russian actors and just wonderful people - Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov.

The lyrical comedy played on stage reminded the audience of the typical family problems that almost all families go through. The hall laughed and cried, empathizing with the heroes, and the actors, though tired after a one and a half hour performance, agreed to talk with us about family matters, about theater and cinema, about Dubai and a little about the future ... After mutual greetings, thanks for the magnificent performance and flowers from fans , Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov from folk artists, Academy Award winners, USSR State Prize and holders of other equally important awards and titles have turned into our lovely and friendly interlocutors.

You are professional artists with many years of experience, and you can certainly tell in which hall and with what audience the performance is "going". What do you think of the Dubai audience?

VA: Since I am a theater actress, I will begin. Maybe then Vladimir Valentinovich will add something. The audience, as a rule, is the same everywhere. The sites, yes, are different everywhere. There are just scenes, but there are drama theaters. It is always more convenient to play in the theater, it is adapted for the actors to play, and the audience listens and understands the play in the way it should be. As for the public, it happens that there is a “theatrical” hall, but not a theatrical one. And this is heard literally in the first phrases. Moreover, viewers perceive us as a family, and the family has been living together for a long time and is quite successful. And when the humor begins from the very beginning of the play: drinking some peasant and some strange lady with him, and the audience understands and accepts this right away, then playing on is very easy. Here you have the audience understood right away and pretty quickly got involved in the fact that this is a comedy with such life turns that everyone has. Sometimes it happens that the public understands this only in the middle of the play. Then it’s hard to play, because you can never explain to a person for a long time - either he caught on the fly, or he did not catch. In these cases, the performance loses. I think the audience in Dubai is just great. Maybe because you have such a team, or what?

In the scenery for the play "Leaning Tower of Pisa" a real portrait of your family with little Julia hangs. Do you see often identify you with your stage heroes?

VA: Of course, we did not play ourselves. Do I look like a slaughtered woman, and Vladimir Valentinovich like a drunkard and a rowdy? No, of course you are!

VA: Although, yes, there have been times when we were asked if we were playing here ourselves. But these are, as a rule, those who do not know us at all.

What is the secret of your long and happy family union?

V. A.: I will listen with pleasure what Vladimir Valentinovich will say about the secrets of family happiness.

VM: In patience. There are no other secrets. And some kind of wisdom should be in the relationship between a man and a woman, an understanding of the fact that up to a certain limit one can demand something from a spouse. And then you need to either accept or not accept the relations that have developed. But better to take.

VA: I think that the performance "Leaning Tower of Pisa" is everywhere in such demand because everyone went through similar problems. And it is necessary. None of this happens. Similar relationships often arise in couples living together for a long time, or young people say that the situation played out exactly repeats the one that our parents had.

And in our family there were similar situations, some kind of friction. But those families that go through this, and here I absolutely agree with Vladimir Valentinovich, overcome all difficulties thanks to patience. And this is probably love. I think so.

Vladimir Valentinovich, in your numerous interviews you often say that theatrical and cinematic acting is more a hobby, and your main calling is directing. But many directors today complain about the shortage of good scripts. What scenario do you agree to work with as a director, unless you write it yourself?

VM: I have only two or three theatrical roles, I am not a theater actor. A good scenario is always a miracle. And talking about the miracle of how it will happen and how it can be is wrong. You just have to wait for it to happen.

VA: You probably saw the last directorial work of Vladimir Menshov - the painting "Envy of the Gods." This is exactly the scenario that Vladimir Valentinovich shocked right away, as soon as he read it. True?

VM: Yes, but I completed it strongly.

It turns out that not all scenarios are always suitable for filming a movie in its original form?

VM: This is so. We finished and reworked a lot in the script for the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears." Quite a bit I intervened in Love and Pigeons, but in all other scenarios I just cut out the chapters.

How is it that your films are in the top ten, if not the top five most beloved Russian films?

V. M.: And who knows ...

But nevertheless, why did critics meet these films, let's say, coolly, and does the audience love them and can watch them ad infinitum?

VM: At some stage, I was no longer interested in what the critics had a problem with. I am, in general, a stranger in the cinema community. I don’t feel in him so, let’s say, overwhelmed, my “on the board”. From the very beginning, as I entered the world of cinema, I somehow kept apart. And when “Moscow does not believe in tears” happened, the reaction to the picture was mixed. He also gives birth to success - someone will rejoice, and someone will envy. The first success came to me right after the "Raffle" picture. This gave rise to a bad attitude towards me among some colleagues. So it developed. Of course, now all their words are taken back ...

Maybe it was this moment of rejection from your colleagues that helped you start to feel better ...

VM: Any attitude to what you do helps. Both positive and negative. Shooting the picture “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” I absolutely did not want to offend anyone or offend anyone, but I just did my job. And suddenly it turns out (after the Oscars) that, it turns out, I violated the rules of the game. It turned out that such a movie as “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,” anyone can make.

But no one took it apart from you ...

VM: I didn’t take it off, it's true. But there are many offended. Tell me, why did you agree to the role of Hesser in the "Day Watch"? After all, is it a fantasy that people, as a rule, are fond of as a teenager?

VM: You know, I am much more frivolous in acting proposals than in directing. And when they offer me something to take off, I think longer, but when to play it is necessary ... Let Hesser be. Why not? I am pleased to participate in the work of young directors in a team with young actors, without losing myself. In our modern world, this is important. If I hadn’t acted in many films and television series, I wouldn’t know what is happening in our cinema, and since I know everyone in person, call back with many, they invite me to premieres. That is, I am in the know. And Timur Bekmambetov is a director from a new generation, one of the best, perhaps.

VA: He shot the film “Especially Dangerous” with Angelina Jolie and Kostya Khabensky in Hollywood. Very talented, in my opinion ...

Vera Valentinovna, tell me, but you are not offended that the audience, not often seeing you on the screen, gives you maybe less attention than you deserve? After all, many simply do not have the opportunity to see your theatrical works?

VA: No, public attention does not bypass me. And this is probably due to Moscow and such films as “Envy of the Gods” and “Shirley-Myrli”. It’s true, I have few pictures. But, as Nonna Mordyukova (Kingdom of Heaven) once said: "I don't seem to be doing anything special, but some kind of love from the audience grows behind me, just like wings." I feel the same way. I’m not doing anything special, except that I work in the theater and act in film a little. But, nevertheless, every my appearance on the stage is always applause and a warm audience.

You also create quite interesting female characters in television series, where you starred with your daughter Julia ...

VA: Yes, and not only with Julia. Here's a show from my point of view was the series "And Still, I Love." Today we were in one of the Dubai stores, and some young girl came up to me. I thought she would ask about the film “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears,” no. She asked: "And in the series" And Still, I Love "- is that you?" I say, "I." This is also a moment of popularity. When the series was on television, they called me from Yerevan. At first I couldn’t understand anything. The woman in the phone spoke with a noticeable accent. I ask her: "What do you want, honey, I don’t understand?" She replied: "Nothing, I just want to tell you that the city of Yerevan is dying out in the evening. We’re running to watch your series." This, of course, is nice.

The play "Leaning Tower of Pisa" was brought here to the 25th anniversary of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears." We heard that you plan to shoot a sequel to this picture ...

VM: You know, I always refused to even talk about this topic, but now there is a person who is ready to invest money in this project. But honestly, I don’t know how it will be, since this crisis has confused all the cards. Now the situation may change, because considerable funds are needed. I think that if you come up with a story, that is, I’ve washed away talking about the sequel. Of course, the story should be cool, then it makes sense to try to do something.

You already have a beautiful actress for the role of the daughter of the main character ...

VA: No one knows how everything will turn out, and who will play whom. Anyway, at first there will be some tests, probably, to be carried out ...

VM: Well, if Alexander, then Julia will play, of course.

How is an exact copy of mom?

VA: No, it only seems that way. When she is next to dad, she is a copy of dad.

And who is more of a daughter in character - from mom or dad?

V.A: You know, Julia sometimes suffers a lot and says: "God, how hard it is for both of you." Because, we are both inside her, and we are very different. Therefore, to say who is more is difficult ...

This, probably, is the phenomenon of a creative family, where everyone is so different.

Tell me, didn’t you mind when your daughter chose an acting path for herself?

V.A: No, absolutely.

VM: She had no particular choice, she grew up behind the scenes and on the set, therefore, in general, she did not hesitate.

VA: I want to say about the parents who dissuade children from creative professions. For example, my mother was against me becoming an actress. After all, parents think: "A creative person is interesting when he took place." There are many talented people who will not succeed, they simply do not have the opportunity to show their talent. Therefore, you need to be at the right time and in the right place. And it is also very important that at this time you or what you are doing is in demand by the audience. Here, "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears," appeared at a time when this film was needed. And for my career as well. There would not be this picture, I would have remained the way I am today, only you would probably not have known about me. My mother, realizing this, did not want me to choose such a difficult path. She was always afraid to take risks. She told me: “What if you become an“ actress Tyutkina ”and your life will be very difficult?” Having passed my life, I believe that it has developed well. Therefore, if our daughter chose such a fate for herself, this is her choice. I personally suffered when my mother forbade me to go to actresses. So, Yulia, we allowed to determine independently.

Vladimir Valentinovich, as a producer, is it difficult for you to find money for new paintings? Especially in connection with the crisis?

VM: Money always gets hard. And you never know if they will be found. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a person arises who is ready to finance the picture. For me it is always a mystery.

And how do you think, how much more difficult will it now work for actors, especially young ones, who have risen in the wake of the popularity of many Russian television series and films recently?

VA: I think that a lot of bad things will be eliminated, and really worthy will remain. Hope so. And how it goes, is unknown.

Vladimir Valentinovich once said that in life you need to make two right choices - a life partner and a profession. You have all this worked out. What can you wish our readers who are just starting to look for their way?

VM: I can only wish that people are not afraid to try. Although these are good wishes. In fact, it all depends on the character. I was never afraid to try, and I was never afraid to hit my face on the table either. I tried, fought at different doors, four times entered the institute. It didn’t add up. And I didn’t know exactly what I wanted. I did not even realize that my title was directing. Somehow I felt somewhere, I wanted to be close to the cinematic world .... And in the end - it turned out. Late come, but come.

VA: I think we have forgotten how to do many things that seemed commonplace to our ancestors. They say that once people distinguished edible herbs, since only animals can do this today. We began to live so well that we forgot how to listen to ourselves, our soul. And this is very important. And in choosing a profession, and in choosing a life partner. These are all throwings, the desire to imitate someone, envy - he has, but I have, all this does not matter. It is important what you have. And even if you have nothing, it is also very important. Because for the future life it does not matter if you have capital or not. If you have a soul that you will learn to listen to, because many have forgotten about it, then everything will be fine.

Many of us should return to a childhood perception of the world. Amazing grandchildren and Vladimir Valentinovich and I are growing, and this gives us the opportunity to return to the world of the present. Because the child is such an unsophisticated world, and so believing in everything around, that at some point you understand that you were once the same. We had an actress in a theater who was not very pretty and, by her nature, also very evil. And the children who came to the play thought that at some point it would open that she was not really Alyonushka, but Baba Yaga. Imagine what a strong sense of intuition in children. I think that the most important thing is to start listening to yourself and the world around you. Then he will be completely different.

Do you often manage to get together as a family at one table?

VA: We all work a lot, and we rarely manage to get together. Although, of course, I really want to ...

Could you share your future plans?

VA: Since we are both fatalists, we prefer not to say anything about the plans in advance. Let it ride.

VM: About the plans, by God, we should not speak out loud. As soon as you say about them, they are not immediately executed. So, wait and see.

VA: You know what they say - to leave does not mean to get there. We believe in fate.

What are your impressions of Dubai? Could you live here?

VA: We really liked it here, but I can’t live anywhere except my apartment in Moscow. No foreign country can replace it for me.A week or two is the maximum that I can be out of the house.

VM: Dubai is a beautiful city, here you can shoot fantastic films. This is such a feast of architecture and human creativity! Just amazing. In a bare place there was such a thing! The whole architectural ensemble of the city is amazing. Maybe "Moscow does not believe in tears -2" will be born here. I don’t know, but I liked it here.

Thank you so much for the conversation. We hope to see your new performances on the stage of Dubai theaters. See you soon.

Watch the video: Family Matters Reunion (July 2024).