Only 10% of UAE residents adhere to a healthy lifestyle

Most of the residents of the United Arab Emirates skip breakfast, do little or no exercise, prefer to eat fast food, well aware that such a lifestyle is far from healthy. As the results of a study on the Internet by the American company Zarca Interactive showed, more than 70% of respondents consume fluids much less than the recommended daily intake. A quarter acknowledged that the cost of vitamins is a waste of money. Most often because people do not consider it necessary to supplement their diet with vitamins.

Of the 300 people who answered questions, including UAE citizens, expatriates from Arab countries and India, 20% admitted that they always skip breakfast. One out of five respondents avoids any physical activity in every possible way, and three out of five only trouble themselves by going to the beach and swimming in the pool. Only every fifth resident of the UAE is involved in sports, and only every tenth is regular.

Interestingly, half of the respondents who have physical activity at least three times a week indicated that sport is walking for them. 16% of respondents, mostly UAE citizens, indicated that they find relief from stress in food. At the same time, more than half of the respondents, more often - come from Asian countries, cope with stress by playing on game consoles, talking with friends and going to the movies.

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